Saturday, November 07, 2015

Stop Casting The Club In Your Golf Swing

Casting the golf club is one of the dreaded "Death Moves" that will kill your distance on the golf course.

Casting is the action of releasing a "lag" or cocked position as you bring your club into the impact position from the top of the swing. If you were to think about being in water that was up to your waist, and you were starting your downswing, your hands should hit the water before your club head.

Holding that Lag position in the downswing will increase the speed of the club head as you come down and begin to release the club head into the ball striking, or impact zone.

In this video, I am using the GolfGym PowerSWING Plus unit attached to my driver. I explain the process of holding the lag position and the benefit of the PowerSWING Plus to help do that. The cords are designed to keep your hands in that "cocked" or lag position.

To learn more about the PowerSWING Plus go to:

Thanks For Reading!
Ken Pierce

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Friday, November 06, 2015

Stop "Coming Over The Top" Forever

Coming "Over The Top" is a very big issue for many golfers. It is one of the 3 major "Death Moves" and is most frustrating to any golfer.

Coming over the top is the term used to describe a downswing that is generated as an "outside - in" swing. The shoulders usually turn first sending the hands and arms to the outside of your target line. This usually causes the face of the club to remain open while coming into the impact zone. As you swing the club from the outside, it is like you are cutting across the ball with the open face which generally ends up as a slice. If you are able to close the face with your hands as you enter the impact zone, it will most likely result in a pull of hook shot. All of these conditions are not good for your golf game

In the following video, I demonstrate and explain the action called over the top and present a training process that will cure you of that after a very short time.  I am using the GolfGym PowerSWING Plus unit attached to my driver.  It can be attached to any club. For demonstration purposes, the driver works best.
If you are interested in more info about the PowerSWING Plus or the other GolfGym Resistance Based Golf Swing Training Products, go to:

Thanks for reading & Watching
Ken Pierce
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How Can Bruce Lee and Lou Holtz Help Your Golf Swing?

Bruce Lee once said, "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times".

When I read this quote from Bruce Lee, I immediately felt there was a direct link to the way we should think about golf and how we practice it. Bruce Lee understood that it only takes one perfect kick to take down an adversary. Practicing that one kick 10,000 times will help you come close to perfection.

Connecting those same dots to golf, there is no way to accurately calculate the amount of balls a PGA Tour Player hits in a year. After doing some rough calculations, I came up with an estimate. With their tournament rounds and all the practicing they do, PGA Tour players probably hit 10,000 balls every 3-4 months or so. That's one great indicator why they are so good at the game.

Generally, recreational golfers don't take practice very seriously. Hitting a small bucket of balls on the range using only the driver just before stepping up to the first tee might get you slightly warmed up, but it does not count as practice.

I saw an interview on the Golf Channel with the very passionate retired football Coach, Lou Holtz. He commented on the off-season, goals and practicing. Regarding the off-season he said, "There is no off-season in athletics."  Regarding goals he said, "If you don't have goals, how will you know when you get there?"

As for practicing golf, he recommended swinging your golf club 30 times a day for an entire year. He went on to say, "If you do that you will create a great swing". Think about it, 30 Swings x 365 days = 10,950 swings. Who knows, after just one year you might become the man or woman to "fear” on the golf course.

Practice, if it is going to be effective, needs to be planned and executed in a manner that enhances your golf swing, your motor pattern memory, and most importantly...your confidence.  Developing a repeatable, consistent golf swing will make a huge impact on your scoring ability on the course. Executing the plan is the challenge. Why not plan a simple golf swing training program this off-season. Check out for some great suggestions.

"It's too difficult to swing a golf club indoors during the winter", you say? Well, we have great some suggestions on tools you can use indoors. They will help you develop a good "practice" mentality while training your golf specific muscles. Head over to to see what we mean. 10,000 swings starts with just one.

Thanks for reading!

Ken Pierce
Creator, GolfGym
Follow us on Instagram - GolfGymFitness

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